Healing Humanity’s Heart

With Grandmother Kaarina

Scheduled on

Monday 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Earth's Destiny

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Grandmother Kaariina Saarinen M Ed Coun, guardian and keeper of Sacred Wheels, has a great passion for women’s womb and moon lodges!  Long ago, she realized that women’s destiny is this earths destiny!  Gma brings 40 years of transformational education, leadership experience, cultivations by both REIKI lineage (Tibetan) as well as shamanic training (universal & Reindeer).


Grandma Kaariina is bloodline shamanka with epigenetics from Mongolia, Tuva, Siberia and northern Finland. Traveling for 15 years, Kaariina is an energetic adept, a strong and fierce light for truth and a discipline healer for humanity. Her passion is for nonviolence and purpose: to end the lies of separation from source. She longs for family reunions and lives the Way of Council, knowing that partnerships can be alchemized and traumas no longer serve as a basis for conversations.

Kaariina comes to us in June 2016, after months of initiating reiki masters, coaching permaculture initiatives, offering sweatlodges with many traditional lodge holders, listening often in the wild to the heart of pachamama, and aligning to the prophecies: eagle Quetzal Condor, the Whirling Rainbow, the 8th Sacred Fire, and that of the Grandmothers and Grandfathers.

Bowing down to the Calling of Sistars to Spirit Weavers.  May we be grounded to the crystalline grid of Pachamama! OMeteotyl

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